Theme Switcher

Modular JS library that allows easy theme-switching for any website.

Theme Switcher

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Theming is hard. Let’s make it easier.

Screenshot of demo



I wanted a modular system for theming for all of my projects. I deal with HTML, CSS, and plain JavaScript. Therefore, I wanted my approach to be as simple and un-intrusive as possible. This project is my attempt as standardising my theme switching code across all of my projects. There are still a few things that must be taken care of manually, such as defining CSS variables for the themes, using the variables in a consistent format, ensuring a settings page. However, this project hopes to provide a standard way to manage user preference for themes.


See the static folder for an example on how to structure your code. Essentially, it is best to have a dedicated Settings page where the user can configure the theme. Any page is valid as a settings page as long as:

  1. It has a <form> element with id="theme-switcher-form".
  2. The form has <input> elements, one for each supported theme.
  3. All input elements must have name="theme-choice" and id+value=(theme-name)-theme.

In summary, a settings.html file should be have something like:

<form id="theme-switcher-form">
  <p>Select your preferred theme:</p>

    <label for="light-theme">Light</label>

    <label for="dark-theme">Dark</label>


Additionally, the see theme.css for an example of how to configure your themes with CSS variables. There should be a light theme by default. Add more as you please. An example CSS theme configuration is:

html {
  --primary: #bd1767;
  --secondary: #271a6f;
  --bg-primary: #eee;
  --bg-secondary: #d5d5d5;
  --fg-primary: #333;
  --fg-secondary: #444;

html[data-theme="light"] {
  --primary: #bd1767;
  --secondary: #271a6f;
  --bg-primary: #eee;
  --bg-secondary: #d5d5d5;
  --fg-primary: #333;
  --fg-secondary: #444;

html[data-theme="dark"] {
  --primary: #e679ad;
  --secondary: #63aff1;
  --bg-primary: #353535;
  --bg-secondary: #292929;
  --fg-primary: #fafafa;
  --fg-secondary: #d2d2d2;

The next part is easy. Just have a <script> tag on all the HTML files you are serving with the following code:


If you prefer having the source code served from your server, you can use save it from the unpkg link and use the switch.js file directly.


This project is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Visit my contact page to get in touch with me. Consider starring the repo if you like it. If you’re really happy with it, consider contributing to it or sponsoring me!